Safety and Efficiency on Wheels

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Drawing on 30 years of expertise in mapping technology, MRF proudly presents real-time GNSS position tracking, seamlessly transmitted to dedicated monitoring centers and affiliated organizations.

MRF offers comprehensive vehicle and personnel tracking solutions throughout Canada, serving both rural and urban municipalities. With our tracking module, you gain access to features such as vehicle management, SOS alerts, integration with vehicle sensors, and the ability to maintain detailed records of vehicle movements.

Customized Base Map Layers

The tracking module is integrated into the MRF Web Map, offering distinctive advantages for users. Users can leverage their own municipal datasets, encompassing road networks, addresses, and other pertinent mapping layers. By clicking on a road segment, users can access all associated attributes. Similarly, they can retrieve information on addresses, including owner details, commercial buildings, schools, and any other data available in your municipality's GIS dataset.

Optimized Safety Protocols

Enhance officer safety with optional SOS alert capabilities, supported by vigilant monitoring of crucial systems such as lights and sirens. The majority of our customers opt for tracking their vehicles' locations every 30 seconds. However, with our tracking module, vehicle positions can be tracked as frequently as every two seconds, providing even greater precision when necessary.

Superior Onboard Connectivity

Take advantage of robust in-vehicle Ethernet and Wi-Fi capabilities, further augmented by integrated cellular signal boosting technology. This ensures officers have reliable internet access while in the field.

Reliable Tracking Record Keeping

Display precise data indicating the whereabouts of vehicles through the window depicted in the image below. MRF has delivered tracking services to Fire, Enforcement Agencies, Public Works Departments, and Agriculture Departments.

Other Features of MRF vehicle tracking include:

  • Tracking overlayed on map from your municipal dataset
  • Rugged Wifi modems (Internet download speeds up to 100 Mbps)
  • Reporting functions for searching vehicle history (vehicle, date-range, zone, etc.)
  • Variable location reporting timing (e.g., every 2 hours when stationary and every 2 seconds when en route)
  • Support across multiple departments with distinct icons and layers
  • Integration of various sensors