Diverse Workforce Policy

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MRF Geosystems Corporation (collectively, "MRF", "we", "us", and "our") employment equity focuses on eliminating barriers to the employment of four designated groups: women, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and visible minorities. Employment equity is a process adopted by MRF as an employer to identify and eliminate discrimination in employment procedures and policies, and ensure appropriate representation of the designated groups throughout MRF's workforce. Employment equity is compatible with the concept of diversity. Both approaches aim at achieving and valuing a workforce that reflects the diverse composition of Canadian society.

Those persons appointed by MRF to positions of leadership and authority have particular responsibility, not only for their own conduct, but also for ensuring, to the extent of their authority and ability:

  • That a positive and productive working environment is created and maintained
  • That conflicts and concerns are addressed in a positive, timely, reasonable, and effective manner
  • That persons within their jurisdiction are informed of their rights and responsibilities with respect to conduct

MRF is committed to establishing an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplace that is free from harassment, bullying, and discrimination. We strive to remove barriers that have been, and continue to be, encountered by equity seeking groups, including women, Indigenous peoples, visible/racialized minorities, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ2S+.

Any MRF staff member or MRF customer can contact MRF's President, Vice President, and Chief Technology Officer to report any MRF staff and/or business activities that violate the MRF Diverse Workforce Policy. MRF commits its best effort to investigate the reported issues and take action to address any identified problems within two weeks.